Hearts in Motion takes place in a small town in a small town in Wisconsin. This story centers around two main characters Abby Pimm and Holden Ramsey. Abby's character was more out going and good with people and especially the pets that she rescued. Holden on the other hand was more reserved and withdrawn from his family. The story starts out by Holden having his non biological daughter dropped off on his door stop by his ex in-laws and having to find a babysitter fast. With the help of his dear aunt he was able to find Abby who was good with kids. Through out the story you learn more about Abby's past as well as Holden's. The story grabs you from the beginning and hold it til the very end. The story brings together humans and pets in a great way!
Positives of the book:
-animals of course! Liked the way that the author had some parts of the story being from the pets point of view. It was cute but totally realistic on how you think animals would feel.
-cute romance as well as a good tear jerker at moments.
-proceeds from the book go to the Humane Society!
- From the front of the book I really thought this book was going to be about dogs with some cat interaction and to me it turned out to be more about cats.
- Development of her friend's storyline who makes cat furniture. I thought that she did a good job of introducing the character but not really developing her more. Especially when she turned out to have a more involved role in the book.
All in all I thought this was a great book. It was an easy read that didn't take me more than a couple day! Can't wait to see what she has in store for the next book!